Develop rapid & pragmatic web apps with DJANGO

Django is most widely used  python framework for web development. As Django is fast, secure, open source, seo friendly & easy to develop which makes it one of the best frameworks available. 

What is Django?

Django is a server side web development framework which is based on Pythhon. It is becoming more popular as it is Ready-to-Use, easy, time saving & clean - code framework.

Who is Django?

Django is now the premier web framework among tech giants like -

  • Spotify
  • instagram
  • Youtube
  • Dropbox
  • Mozilla Firefox
Installing Django :-

     For Django installation, you must  have python & pip installed on your Laptop/Pc.

Go to command Prompt/terminal & type - pip install django.

Check django release is 3.0.6. To check installed version - 

Go to command Prompt/terminal & type - django-admin --version

Django Architecture :- 

Unlike other web frameworks, Django uses MVT(model, view, templates).

Starting a Project :- 

To start a Django Project, you need to open terminal/ Command prompt in the directory where you want to create a project.

Type :-  django-admin startproject projectname

Launching Django App :-

inside your project diretory, you will see file. Open terminal & type "pythhn runserver"

Our first Django app is launched at
Open Browser & paste above URL , you will see - 'The installation worked sucessfully'

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