
Showing posts with the label Interview preparation


                                              Principles that every programmer must follow :- 1. Think Twice Code Once  2. Dry :- Don't Repeat Yourself 3. Kiss :- Keep it Simple Stupid 4. Avoid Premature Optimization  5. Always implement your idea on Paper First


                                                            PYTHON :-  In 2020, it is must atleast 1 programming language & there is no better choice than python. If you are a beginner & dont know anything about Programming & want to learn, then it is a good time to learn a Python. Python is easy to learn A lot of career opportunities for python High salary                                                               Advantages :-  Presence of third-party modules. Easy to learn as compared to other programming languages. User friendly data Structures. Open source & community development Extensive support libraries(NumPy for numerical calculations, Pandas  for data analytics etc.) High - level Language Dynamically typed language(No need to mention data type based on value assigned, it takes data type) Object oriented language. Portable & interactive. Portable across operating  systems.                                                                 Applications :- 


In this Era, everything is free & accessible.There are some programming blogs which can improve your skills & helps in Interview as well as in placements. 1. Coding Horror :- Coding Horror was started in 2004 by Jeff Atwood, an experienced software  engineer  from Berkeley, CA. Jeff's experience, as well as his awareness of the human side of technology, makes his website one of the best programming blogs for everyone who intrested in web development , software engg & computers in general. link :- 2. David Walash This popular coding blog focuses on modern libraries, programming tutorials & shortcuts for programming in JavaScript. They provide daily posts & commentary to help you learn how to code quicker & more efiiciently. link   :- 3. CodeWall  Codewall is a website providing useful, in-depth tutorials for both front-end & back-end. CodeWall has many articles on topics as such as HTML/CSS, Node.js, JavaScript &

How to Build An Awsome Resume For Facebook, google, amazon, Microsoft & for Other Big Tech. companies.

Interview season in  Indian Universities and Institutes is round the corner and its  understandable if some of you are struggling with landing interviews for  your first internship or your first job because of a not so good  resume. "Its not your experience that lands you an interview; its how your resume presents that experience." Many  great candidates miss on some amazing opportunities just because they  have a lousy resume. The resume lack perspectives about their own  experience and is not backed up by their accomplishments. In this post,  we’re mainly going to talk about how one can build an awesome resume for  tech industry but these principles can be applied elsewhere as well. We all know what a resume is, but its also important to understand how it is used. “ A resume isn’t read; its skimmed. “ Either  a human or an automated program skims through your resume to screen you  for the initial interview rounds. A human generally spends around  15-20 seconds