
Showing posts from March, 2020


                                                       FREELANCING SKILLS Hey Dear, What are you doing right now, just chatting, flirting & wasting time on Insta & whatsapp . This 16 days, You can invest on Yourself. Invest on yourself can get better Returns. If you want to do Something big on your life & want to earn money by early age, you have to learn some skill apart from your subjects or Branch Paper. This days, you can develop a Skill by which you will earn some money & grow   yourself. There a lot of Free lancing Skills by which you will earn money & will became Financially independent. You are currently 18 years old or may be 19 Years old, This is the right time to Start improving Yourself & bulid a good Career.   Due to COVID(19), Government has announced Lockdown & Due to This Lockdown, M...


                                                Public Service Announcement :-                                           DO THE FIVE                                                      Help Stop Coronavirus:-                                                                                                      1. HANDS :-  Wash them often.       ...

Precaution & Risks

                                Precautions & Risk From Ministry of Health & Family Welfare :- Practice frequent hand washing with water and soap. Wash hands even if they are visibly clean. Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol based hand rub. Cover your nose and mouth with handkerchief/tissue while sneezing and coughing. Avoid participating in large gatherings. See a Doctor if you feel unwell. Throw used tissues into closed bins immediately after use. While visiting doctor wear a mask/cloth to cover your mouth and nose. Don't Touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Don't Have a close contact with anyone, if you're experiencing cough & fever. #IndiaFightsCorona #JantaCurfew


                              PM SPEECH IN BRIEF  :- PRIME MINISTER SPEECH ON CORONAVIRUS :-   India cannot become complacent !!  Steps to be taken as a nation to combat this pandemic - 1. Janata curfew  Sunday, 22 March 7 am to 9 pm. No one outside homes this day at all. 2. Social distancing to be practiced. 3. Abide by centers guidelines. 4. Call 10 people and spread this message of social distancing and Janata curfew. PM NARENDRA MODI 5. This will be a test of our ability of restraint and resolve. 6. All our essential service providers like medical professionals, transport service providers , etc are outdoing themselves . Let's thank them by clapping and cheering  them on Sunday, 22 March at 5 pm sharp from our balconies, doorway s and windows. 7. Avoid going to hospitals for a routine checkup. Call family doctors over the phone for sma...

How to Strong Your Immune System :-

            HOW TO STRONG YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM:-  D rink lot of water. Reduce your Stress Levels. If you are taking Alcohol, Moderate your alcohol intake Take Vitamin A,B,C,D,E in Adequate amount. Drink 200 ml milk regularly  with some protein powder. Eat more vegetables, fruits, almonds & nuts. Do some Exercise or yoga daily in morning or evening. Sleep 8-9 hours per day. Eat Mushrooms, Paneer & Soyabean thrice in a week.


                                             RECOVERY FROM CORONA VIRUS:-                                                                                           HOW TO HANDLE CORONA VIRUS ? Those who are suffering from Coronavirus can recover in a month by following the below steps:- Take rest & sleep minimum 8 hours per day. Isolate Yourself Drink lot of water. Take Vitamin C tablets & liquid regularly. Try adding Garlics(garlic posses virus fighting & bacteria killing properties) & ginger( a natural inflammatory) to your meals on a regular basis. Use Mask. Think positive. Take proper v...

Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus :-

Some Safety Tips which can help them to aware From Coronavirus :-                                                                 Protect yourself by doing this :-                 Wash Your hands Frequently with soap or hand wash or any Sanitizer.  Maintain at least 1 metre distance between yourself & anyone who is Coughing or sneezing. Avoid people to touching eyes, nose & mouth. If you have a Cough, Fever or having Problem in Breathing, Imediately Talk to your Doctor. Use the Mask when you are Travelling. Avoid touching the mask while using it. if you do, clean your hands with alcohol- based hand rub or soap & water. Replace the mask with new one as soon as possible.